SEE side

Vera Frankel– I do question Henry’s role. These maps of consciousness, or the abstraction and analysis, by nature are presumptuous. If I were invited to do a work like this, I would want to hire my own accompanist in order to have the mapping and bridging done by someone I trust as much as I trust myself to make mistakes as I would want to make them.

Henry See– These maps are my maps. I have no experience in the kind of semantic networking Michael was talking about. I tried to make a nice way to get into this, so it’s a poetic conceptual map.

What I would like to include in future versions are various maps. A sequential map that would show the way you go through them in the order they were written. It would also be nice to have a map where the relations are more metaphorical.

Vera Frankel– The nature of the mapping is where the magic is going to happen or where the expertise or knowledge is transmitted. Remember those pop-up books where you pull a tab and something pops up? I felt that whoever designed the parts that popped up was mistaken, that there were other ways of having things pop up. It seems that a direction to take in your plans would be to include initiating writers who want to be initiated into creating maps of their own consciousness. I’m not in any way criticizing you, but I think the moral cusp of the question is in Henry’s lap.

Henry SeeI interpreted the two essays that I was given in the same spirit I felt Glenn Gould would interpret something. I don’t claim that this map is any better than anyone else’s.